Monday, December 22, 2014

Santiago OUT

Ms. Santiago is out Tuesday, December 23rd, 2014

Work for break: Read the first EIGHT chapters of Huck Finn for Jan. 5th. Finish reading the whole novel by Jan. 12th.

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Douglass 3.1

Douglass 3.1

Do now: Re-evaluate our decision to watch 12 Years a Slave in class.  Was it worth it?  Why/why not?

  • examine the importance of education, the hypocrisy of religion, and the use of persuasion in slave narratives
  • effectively draft a paragraph in a timed setting

  1. do now
  2. Prep for paragraph
  3. Draft paragraph
  4. summarizer

HW: Finish reading The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by January 12, 2015. Read the first 8 chapters by January 5, 2015.

Friday, December 19, 2014

Douglass 2.4

Douglass 2.4
Do now: Douglass does not describe how he escaped.  Why do you think he omitted this from his autobiography?
  • Use close reading skills to analyze Douglass’s use of rhetorical devices to reveal meaning
  • use the medium of film to enhance understanding of the Slave Narrative

  1. do now
  2. finish watching film
  3. If time: complete note taking sheet
  4. summarizer

HW: Finish note taking for graded discussion on MONDAY

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Douglass 2.3

Douglass 2.3
Do now: Google Presentation Do now

  • Use close reading skills to analyze Douglass’s use of rhetorical devices to reveal meaning
  • use the medium of film to enhance understanding of the Slave Narrative

  1. do now: Ally activity
  2. Review movie from yesterday
  3. Continue to watch the film
  4. Summarizer

HW: Finish reading/annotating Douglass packet

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Alternative Curriculum Film

Please watch the following from the PBS American Passages Series:

Slavery and Freedom
Regional Realism
Social Realism

Douglass 2.2

Douglass 2.2
Do know: Since our discussion yesterday was short, I want to give you more time to discuss your reaction to the article/our discussion. Freewrite for 5 minutes.

  • Use close reading skills to analyze Douglass’s use of rhetorical devices to reveal meaning
  • use the medium of film to enhance understanding of the Slave Narrative

  1. do now
  2. Review the first two paragraphs of chapter 6. How is his mistress described in the first one (highlight a quote)? In the second (highlight a quote)? Write 3-5 sentences comparing and contrasting the two depictions; be sure to analyze how this enhances Douglass’s rhetoric.
  3. 12 Years a Slave Viewing guide
  4. Watch film
  5. Summarizer: what do you think so far?

HW: Finish reading/annotating first 5 pages of chapter X

Monday, December 15, 2014

Douglass 2.1

Do Now: What do you remember about rhetoric from the persuasive writing unit last year? (Hint: appeals, logical fallacies, effective persuasion, etc)

  • Use close reading skills to analyze Douglass’s use of rhetorical devices to reveal meaning

1. Do Now
  1. Invisible Knapsack articles
  2. how do the current events in Ferguson and Staten Island change our discussion on race/racism in America?
  3. Review the first two paragraphs of chapter 6. How is his mistress described in the first one (highlight a quote)? In the second (highlight a quote)? Write a short paragraph comparing and contrasting the two depictions; be sure to analyze how this enhances Douglass’s rhetoric
  4. Summarizer

HW: Read/annotate ½ of chapter X. Have parents sign the permission slip

Friday, December 12, 2014

Douglass 1.4

Do now: read the class letter- edit for both major ideas and typos/mechanics errors

  • work collaboratively to write a class letter
  • discuss attitudes and preconceptions about race and diversity 
  • discuss how people distinguish between right and wrong

1. do now
2. Finish the class letter
3. Complete the survey on the back of the unit essential questions packet
4. Discuss answers
5. Read "Unpacking my invisible knapsack"
6. Class discussion: current events, racism, white privilege

HW: Read and annotate chapters 6 &7 in Douglass packet

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Santiago OUT

Ms. Santiago is out today, Thursday, Dec. 11th.

PINK CLASS: We will finish the letter tomorrow.  We will have a conversation about the current events in Ferguson and Staten Island tomorrow- please read up on those if you are not familiar.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Douglass 1.3

Douglass 1.3
Do now: How does Douglass use rhetorical devices to appeal to this white audience?

  • understand the types of rhetoric Douglass uses in his autobiography
  • effectively discuss controversial books and racism in America

  1. do now
  2. discuss chapters I and II
  3. Survey: complete the survey attached to the unit overview
  4. Class discussion
  5. Begin to read and annotate chapters 6&7
  6. summarizer

HW: Finish reading and annotating chapters 6&7

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Douglass 1.2

Douglass 1.2
Do now: Based on our audience and the topic, what should the tone of the letter be?

  • work collaboratively to articulate the value of watching 12 Years a Slave
  • understand who Frederick Douglass was and how he fits into the curriculum

  1. do now
  2. Letter- elect a leader and as a class compose a letter to your parents articulating the key points as to why we should watch 12 Years a Slave
  3. Review the unit’s objectives and essential questions, and read the bio on Frederick Douglass
  4. Begin to read and annotate chapters 1&2
  5. summarizer

HW: Read and annotate chapters 1&2

Monday, December 8, 2014

Passive Voice

Congrats MVPs!

Congratulations to the MVPS of the American Born Chinese Cultural Presentations!

Pink Class: Sophie K., Lucie, and Katrina
Blue Class: Cameron, Lena, and Tokio

Douglass 1.1

Douglass 1.1

Do now: How have you studied the history of slavery in America before?

  • examine the role of prejudice in America
  • understand the importance of the slave narrative in the canon of American literature
  • work collaboratively to articulate the value of watching 12 Years a Slave

  1. do now
  2. Can prejudice ever be good?
  3. NPR and TED Talk
  4. Introduce film; read the accompanying article
  5. class discussion: why should we watch it?
  6. summarizer

HW: brainstorm what we should write in our class letter

Friday, December 5, 2014

ABC 3.4

Do now: what was one effective part of yesterday’s presentations?
  • identify effective aspects of peers’ presentations
  • effectively present a cultural tradition
  1. do now
  2. review peer evaluation form
  3. presentations
  4. summarizer

HW: tba

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

ABC 3.3

Do now: what was one effective part of yesterday’s presentations?
  • identify effective aspects of peers’ presentations
  • effectively present a cultural tradition
  1. do now
  2. review peer evaluation form
  3. presentations
  4. summarizer

HW: prep your presentations!

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

AMC 3.2

Do now: list 3-5 characteristics of an effective presentation
  • identify effective aspects of peers’ presentations
  • effectively present a cultural tradition
  1. do now
  2. review peer evaluation form
  3. presentations
  4. summarizer

Monday, December 1, 2014

AMC 3.1

Do now: review Cultural Traditions Presentation assignment.
  • identify a cultural tradition that is important to family/community
  • draft a self-reflection on selected cultural tradition
  1. do now
  2. Self-managed work time: draft, ask clarifying questions, etc.
  3. Review presentation schedule
  4. summarizer

HW: prep your presentation!

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

American Born Chinese 2.1

Do now: what do you think of the novel?


  1. do now
  2. Groups: Answer the discussion questions
  3. Class: review findings
  4. Introduce the Cultural Tradition Presentation assignment
  5. Summarizer

HW: work on presentation assignment

Monday, November 24, 2014

Santiago out

Ms. Santiago is out MONDAY.

11 Honors:

  1. Submit your short story using the essay submission form (only one per group-- make sure all names are on the document!)
  2. Finish reading American Born Chinese

Friday, November 21, 2014

American Born Chinese 1.4

American Born Chinese 1.4
Do now: what are your thoughts/feelings regarding stereotypes? Can you name a negative stereotype? A positive one?

  • Students will familiarize themselves with the concept of stereotypes in relation to both the introductory text and their personal experience.

  1. do now
  2. Discussion:
  • What is a stereotype? What are some examples? (high school stereotypes: nerd, jock, cheerleader, punk, etc)
  • How do these make you feel?
  • Delve more specifically and in-depth into racial stereotypes. Why is this still such an insistent, ongoing issue even today?
  1. Video clips:

  1. When can stereotyping be offensive? (Smartboard)
  2. What are some examples of stereotyping you've found in ABC?
  3. Read pages 87-160
  4. Summarizer

HW: read pages 87-160

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

American Born Chinese

Do now: “Novels are presented as books in linear form; picture books tell a story with text accompanied by illustrations; film works with moving images and dialogue but
graphic novels combine all these elements as a medium for storytelling. They tell a story through visual images.”
What is a graphic novel?  Can you name any? How are comic books different from graphic novels?

  • Introduce the genre of graphic novels to students through students’ self-exploration in discussion


  1. In groups: flip through the graphic novels.Compare and contrast the visuals used, speech bubbles and language used in the various graphic novels.  Discuss the following:
    1. how are these graphic novels different from traditional comic books
    2. What’s the target/potential audience for each of them?
    3. How’s a graphic novel different from a conventional novel?
    4. Why do you think the author would have decided to write a graphic novel instead of a conventional novel in written form?
    5. Discuss the author’s choice. (What’s good about visual narrative?)
    6. What’s the advantage of opting to present your thoughts with graphic novels over written novels? What’s the disadvantage then?
    7. - Does a graphic novel have lower literature value than a conventional novel?
  2. Intro to American Born Chinese-- “The Monkey King”
    1. Monkey King Movie Trailer
    2. Animated
  3. Begin to read pages 1-84
  4. Summarizer