Monday, March 9, 2015


Do now: Each table will grab a piece of easel paper and some marker (if no easel paper, then take long paper off the black arts and crafts cart in room)

  • analyze Hurston’s use of nature imagery
  • identify how use of literary devices connect to meaning

  1. do now
  2. table groups: select ONE type of imagery from text (Plants/planting/seeds, Mules, Personifications of Death, Ships/Horizons, Voice/Speech-making, Hair, Eyes)
  3. On the easel paper:
    1. draw the image (should be the dominate thing on paper)
    2. select 3 quotes that connect to this image (write quotes on paper)
    3. draft a thesis statement that connects the imagery to a major theme in the novel (possible topics: Language, Love vs. Independence, Power (gender))
    4. Hang the paper on the chalkboard
  4. Grab an imagery packet.  Complete the packet (each student needs his/her own packet, but may talk it out together)

HW: Finish packet

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