Friday, January 16, 2015

Huck Finn 2.4

Huck Finn 2.4
Do Now: what do you remember about debates from 10th grade?

  • understand essay assignment prompt
  • effectively debate/defend stance on the central issue
  • read secondary sources on Huck Finn

  1. do now
  2. Groupwork time-- 20 minutes
  3. Debate--
    Opening Statements (thesis) < 1 minute each YES NO
    Oral Arguments (3 supporting arguments, evidence) < 3 min. each NO Rebuttals (evidence that proves part of OA as weak, false) < 1 min. each YES Oral Arguments (3 supporting arguments, evidence) < 3 min. each YES Rebuttals (evidence that proves part of OA as weak, false) < 1 min. each NO
    Closing Argument < 1 min. YES NO
  4. Smith and Smiley: how to read secondary source articles
  5. summarizer: Which team won-- and what was so persuasive about their argument?

HW: Read each article; for each article highlight/annotate: 1) thesis/argument, 2) 2-3 quotes supporting author’s argument

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