Monday, June 8, 2015

Short Stories: Borges

  • examine how Borges uses the mathematical themes of: recursion, combinatorics, infinity, deduction, equivalence in literature
  • Discover: Where does meaning come from?

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Short Stories

Do now: In table groups, discuss O'Brien's message about Love vs. War, and fantasy vs. reality. Identify which literary methods best show these messages (15 minutes)

  • analyze the short story for theme, motifs, and character development
1. do now
2. Individually: Review "Interpreter of Maladies." think about: how does Lahiri use the motif of "seeing" in the story? How does she use layering to create character development? 
3. Class discussion: Group leaders
4. Summarizer

HW: Read and annotate (if leader group) "The Library of Babel"

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Short Stories Folder

Folder can be found here

Short Stories

Do now: Grab a"cheat sheet," a writing methods handout, and a copy of "The Interpreter of Maladies" from the table

  • utilize effective annotations to unpack meaning
  • analyze O'Brien's method
1. do now
2. Sign up for leader positions!
3. Annotations: overview and work time
4. Class discussion
5. summarizer

HW: Read "The Interpreter of Maladies." Annotate.

Monday, June 1, 2015

Short Story Leader Sign-Ups

Sign up here

This I Believe Peer Edit

Do now: locate a computer and log on to Google Drive


  • effectively peer edit several essays
  • utilize peer feedback for revision
1. do now
2. Peer Edit: read and comment on at least 8 essays
3. Revise personal essay
4. summarizer

HW: Read the chapter "The Things They Carried" for homework.  No annotations needed at this time.  Finished draft due in same document by FRIDAY