Tuesday, May 26, 2015


Do now: take a graphic organizer handout from the black table


  • synthesize two American Dramas in one theme and thesis statement
  • analyze authors methods to reveal meaning
1. do now
2. In table groups: complete both sides of the graphic organizer handouts
3. Develop an exigent method-to-meaning thesis statement
4. One pager: Thesis statement and listing of 3 "big ideas" (subtopics)
5. Share one pagers
6. Summarizer

HW: Thesis contract/ This I Believe work day in the English Writing Lab WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY (Blue only)

Thesis contracts- PINK ONLY

Do now: log on to a computer and go to edline


  • research secondary sources for potential thesis authors
  • complete the senior thesis contract
1. do now
2. Requirements of thesis contract
a. First choice author/topic
b. Second choice author/topic
c. Titles of First choice author/topic
d. MLA Bibliography citations for 3 secondary sources
3. Research secondary sources
4. Conference/ complete contract
5. summarizer

HW: Contracts due FRIDAY, JUNE 5th.

Friday, May 22, 2015

Fences Full Text

Read the play here!

Fences 1.4- PINK ONLY

Do now: List all characters in Fences


  • actively read an American Drama
1. do now
2. Finish Fences
3. TIB Groups and assignment
4. Summarizer

HW: We will be in the English Writing Lab MONDAY to fill out Thesis contracts!

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Fences 1.3

Do now: What similarities are you finding between the Fathers and Sons in DoaS and Fences?


  • actively read an American Drama
  • identify similar themes between plays
1. do now
1a. Thesis reading day (PINK ONLY)
2. Read Fences
3. Summarizer

HW: Pick a thesis author/topic!

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Fences 1.2- BLUE ONLY

Do now: Fences Handout


  • actively read an American Drama
  • identify similar themes between plays
1. do now
2. Read Fences
3. Summarizer

HW: Pick a thesis author/topic!

Monday, May 18, 2015

Revising the Literary Analysis Essay

View Presentation Here

Death of a Salesman 2.1

Do now: Take out the quotes from Death of a Salesman. Read through them and mark/highlight ones that stand out to you


  • analyze American Drama for theme
  • analyze Miller's use of motifs to unpack meaning
  • become familiar with August Wilson
1. do now
2. In table groups: Using the list of quotes and list of themes, create an assertion statement answering one of the following: What is Miller saying about the American Dream?  What is Miller saying about the relationship between Fathers and sons (or parents and children)? 
3. One a piece of paper: Write the assertion statement and 3 quotes that support the assertion statement
4. Introduce Fences.
5. Begin to read Fences

HW: pick a thesis author/topic!

Friday, May 15, 2015

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Death of a Salesman 2.3

Do now: what is Willy's tragic flaw?


  • analyze art for meaning
  • examining the depiction of America in art
1. do now
2. Norman Rockwell- close reading
3. Watch Death of a Salesman
4. Summarizer

HW: Finalize Senior thesis author/ topic

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Death of a Salesman 2.2

Do now: Do you feel sympathy for Willy?  Why/why not?


  • analyze a film adaptation of an American Tragedy
  • examine a father and son's responsibility to each other
1. do now
2. Watch film- Death of a Salesman
3. Summarizer

HW: Finalize Senior Thesis author/topics

Monday, May 11, 2015

Death of a Salesman 2.1

Do now: What do you remember from Death of a Salesman thus far?


  • analyze a film adaptation of an American Tragedy
  • examine a father and son's responsibility to each other
1. do now
2. Reading Guide Questions- Act I
2. Watch film- Death of a Salesman
3. Summarizer

HW: Finalize Senior Thesis author/topics

Friday, May 8, 2015

Thesis Reading Day

Do now: Take out your thesis book and paper/pencil


  • demonstrate effective silent reading
  • select a novel for the senior thesis
1. do now
2. 20 minutes: SSR
3. On the paper: write your name, the book title and author, and your initial reader response-- would you continue to read for senior thesis?
4. Watch Gatsby

HW: tba

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Death of a Salesman

Do now:  What is your definition of a salesman? How is a salesman different from someone
in a different occupation?  What attitudes do you think salesman should have to be successful? What attitudes would hinder him?

  • demonstrate effective silent reading
  • select a novel for the senior thesis
  • actively watch a performance of an American Tragedy
1 do now
2. 20 minutes: SSR
2a. On a piece of paper: write your name, the book title and author, and your initial reader response-- would you continue to read for senior thesis?
3. Intro Death of a Salesman 
4.Begin watching Death of a Salesman

HW: Essay due FRIDAY

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Senior Thesis Link

Senior Thesis Link

Gatsby work day/ Thesis day

Do now: What do you have left to do in your essay?  (answer on socrative: tls108)


  • Use peer suggestions to revise essay
  • Use school databases to find secondary sources on thesis authors
1. do now
2. 1-mod: Gatsby essay work time
3. 2nd mod: 
  • Decide which FOUR books you think you will read for your FIRST CHOICE author/topic
  • use one of the school databases to find THREE articles about THREE books (you do not need to print them; however, you will need the bibliography information)
4. Summarizer

HW: Bring a thesis book to class (THURSDAY: Pink, FRIDAY: Blue). Essay is due FRIDAY

Monday, May 4, 2015

Gatsby Peer Edit Workshop

Do now: Find a partner (can be a group of three). Share your google doc with your partner(s).


  • provide effective critiques and suggestions for revisions 
  • work effectively in a pair
  • work independently to revise essay

1. do now
2. Open the Peer editing google doc (CLICK HERE)
3. Make a copy of the peer editing doc and share it with your partner
4. Read your partner's essay (feel free to make proofreading/other comments in paper)
5. Fill out the peer editing handout
6. Verbally discuss what you wrote in the peer editing handout
7. Work independently to revise your essay

HW: Work on essay.  Essay is due Friday.

Friday, May 1, 2015

Blacker Awards- Wednesday, May 20, 2015 at 6:30PM

Experience the senior thesis process first hand at the Lillian F. Blacker Awards ceremony.  The three winners, plus a panel of seniors, will share excerpts from their papers and discuss the entire thesis process.  There will be a Q&A session for you to ask questions about the process.
You can earn extra credit TWO ways:
1. Attend and sign my attendance form at the end of the panel discussion
2. Ask the panel an appropriate question about the senior thesis process

Gatsby 6.4

Do now: Review your note cards


  • create note cards analyzing primary and secondary sources
  • begin to draft research essay

1. do now
2. Check thesis statements
3. Workshop: begin drafting essay
4. Summarizer

HW: Draft for Peer Editing due MONDAY