Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Gatsby 6.3

Do now: Take out your annotated secondary source article


  • critique secondary source articles
  • identify key quotations from primary and secondary sources

1. Do now
2. Note cards: individual or in pairs (google drive or handwritten)
3. Develop a thesis statement
4. summarizer

HW: Draft a thesis statement

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Gatsby 6.2

Do now: Share your research question with a partner


  • conference about prompts and research questions
  • annotate secondary source article 

1. do now
3.. Annotate Secondary Source Article

HW: Identify 5 Gatsby quotes and 3 secondary source quotes

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Gatsby 6.1

Do now: take out the essay prompts and review the possible choices


  • understand the expectations of the essay assignment
  • identify one prompt of interest
  • use school databases to identify one article on the selected topic
1. do now
2. Review/Clarify the essay assignment
3. Workshop time: identify a prompt, develop a research question, research articles on identified topic
4. Summarizer

 1) Create a "Great Gatsby" folder in your BELMONTSCHOOLS GOOGLE DRIVE.  2) In the "Great Gatsby" folder, create TWO documents: A) Note cards Doc: “Last Name, First Name Note Cards.” B) Essay Doc: “Last Name, First Name Essay.”  
2) Print one scholarly article and bring to class TUESDAY

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Creative Writing

Fill out this form

Thesis research day 3

Do now: tba


  • understand the various databases available through our school
1. do now
2. Welcome Ms. Landry!
3. Database overview
4. Individual research time

HW: For the trip after break: Narrow your choices to TWO. Bring ONE book in for silent reading.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Senior Thesis Research Day 2

Do now: Turn to a peer and explain which authors you researched


  • explore possible author/topics for thesis
1. do now
2. Book fair!
3. Conferences
4. Summarizer

HW: Narrow your possible choices to 2.  Research 4 novels for each choice

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Thesis Research Day 1

Do now: How nervous are you about selecting an author/topic for the senior thesis?  (scale of 1 (not nervous at all to 5 ridiculously nervous)


  • understand the requirements of the senior thesis project
  • explore authors and topics
1. do now
2. Gatsby essay- housekeeping
3. Senior thesis packet
4. Conferences/film
5. summarizer

HW: research 5 authors-- print TWO bios

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Gatsby 5.1

Do now: Last minute group prep (10 minutes)


  • use critical lens to examine the overall meaning of The Great Gatsby
  • work effectively in groups to analyze the

1. do now
2. Group presentations
3. Summarizer: which lens seems the most interesting for GG? why?

HW: fill out the senior thesis form

Friday, April 10, 2015

Gatsby 4.4

Do now: put desks in rows for quiz
  • demonstrate mastery of understanding of vocab
  • use critical lens to examine the overall meaning of The Great Gatsby
  • work effectively in groups to analyze the novel
  1. do now
  2. vocab quiz
  3. Group work
  4. summarizer

HW: Critical Lens presentations on Monday

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Gatsby 4.3

Gatsby 4.3
Do now: Review chapter 9 questions with your table group
  • use critical lens to examine the overall meaning of The Great Gatsby
  • work effectively in groups to analyze the novel

  1. do now
  2. Critical Lens Assignment- overview
  3. Picking groups (out of a bag)
  4. Group work: review topic and begin to analyze novel
  5. summarizer

HW: vocab quiz on FRIDAY

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Gatsby 4.2

Do now: You finished the book…what is your reaction? Free write for five minutes: Did you like it? Why? Why not? Were you disappointed? Sad to finish it? Confused?
  • analyze the end of the book
1. Do now
2. Table groups: symbol handout (in survival guide)
3. Discuss: Gatsby's father
4. Close reading: last few paragraphs
5. Individual: annotate chapter 9 (in survival Guide)
6. Table groups: answer close reading questions for chapter 9 (in survival guide)
HW: Study for vocab quiz on FRIDAY

Monday, April 6, 2015

Gatsby 4.1

Do now: Where did Gatsby die? Why do you think Fitzgerald selected that location? (Think figuratively!)
  • demonstrate close reading skills through annotation for literary devices
1. Do now
2. Individual: annotate chapter 8 passage (in survival guide)
3. Table groups: answer questions on close reading handout (in survival guide)
4. Class: review
5. If time: listen to chapter 9
6. Summarizer

HW: finish reading chapter 9

Friday, April 3, 2015

Gatsby 3.4

Do now: Prepare your tableau! (5 minutes)


  • analyze director choices
  • compare film versions

1. do now
2. Tableaux
3. (Week 2 vocab- BLUE)
4. Watch films
5. Summarizer

HW: Read chapter 8

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Gatsby 3.3

Do now: Find one piece of textual evidence that describes the weather/heat in this chapter.  Why do you think Fitzgerald stresses the weather in this way?

  • identify and recreate key moments from chapter 7
  • work effectively in groups
1. do now
2. Week 2 vocab- define
3. Symbolism handout
4.Review: Tableau activity
5. In groups: work on tableau activity
6. Summarizer

HW: Prep for tableaux