Saturday, February 28, 2015

Blue MVPs!

Emma Lester!



Effective job, ladies!

Friday, February 27, 2015

Harlem Renaissance 1.4

Harlem Renaissance 1.4

Do now: What are the three facts you learned about the Harlem Renaissance?

  • identify the main conflict in the Harlem Renaissance

1. Do now
2. Free Write answers to the following Essential question:
    • What is the American Dream, and why/how was it different for black Americans in the early 20th century?
    • Can art help to lessen ignorance and racism?  
    • What impact did the figures of the Harlem Renaissance have on later American culture/art/attitudes?
3. Harlem Renaissance notes
4. Du Bois and Locke readings/questions
5. Review poetry terms
6. Summarizer

HW: Research one jazz song.  Bring a link/copy of song to class tomorrow

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Women’s Voices 2.3

Women’s Voices 2.3

Do now: Prep for socratic seminar (5 minutes)

  • participate effectively in a socratic seminar
  • synthesis all texts from the Women’s Voices unit into a discussion of how the American Dream is different for women

  1. do now
  2. Socratic seminar #1 (inner/outer circle)
  3. Socratic seminar #2 (inner/outer circle)
  4. Begin Harlem Renaissance
  5. Summarizer

HW: tba

Friday, February 13, 2015

Women’s Voices 2.2

Do Now: Write a 3 line poem about school.

  • define literary/poetic terms
  • understand Emily Dickinson's life
  • practice close reading skills on a poem
1. Do now
2. Popcorn read Dickinson Bio
3. Define literary/poetic terms
4. Presentation Groups: 

  • review assignment, 
  • complete group handout, 
  • draft thesis statement
  • if time, begin making Google Presentation
5. Summarizer

HW: Assign individual contribution to presentation

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Emily Dickinson Literary Terms

Emily Dickinson Literary Terms

Women’s Voice 2.1

Women’s Voice 2.1

Do Now: Brainstorm a list of word associations for the color yellow


  • understand the basic plot of "Yellow Wallpaper"
  • analyze through a visual medium how a symbol produces meaning
1. Do now
2. In desk groups: study guide questions
3. Class: review answers
4. Independently: symbolism activity
5. Summarizer

HW: Read/ Annotate all 5 Dickinson poems

Friday, February 6, 2015

Women’s Voices 1.4

Women’s Voices 1.4
Do Now: "Story of an Hour" is a short short story. In desk groups, discuss HOW Chopin develops meaning in "The Story of an Hour."


  • examine how specific word choice unpacks meaning
  • practice close reading through independent reading
1. Do Now
2. Freewrite prompt- 20 min
3. Group response-discuss
4. Read "Yellow Wallpaper" (audio book)
5. Summarizer

HW: Finish reading "The Yellow Wallpaper"

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Women’s Voices 1.3

Women’s Voices 1.3

Do now: One side:What books or stories (that we have read in school) were written by women? Other side: would you like to take 12CP, 12H, or AP next year? Explain choice.


  • discuss how is the American dream different for women than it is for men
  • examine how a story/poem use literary devices to convey meaning and develop themes

1. Do now
2. Brainstorm: Men/Women American Dream
3. Explain the Women's voices Unit and Essential Questions
4. Read "Story of an Hour"
5. Summarizer

HW: Finish study guide questions for "Story of an Hour"