Monday, June 8, 2015

Short Stories: Borges

  • examine how Borges uses the mathematical themes of: recursion, combinatorics, infinity, deduction, equivalence in literature
  • Discover: Where does meaning come from?

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Short Stories

Do now: In table groups, discuss O'Brien's message about Love vs. War, and fantasy vs. reality. Identify which literary methods best show these messages (15 minutes)

  • analyze the short story for theme, motifs, and character development
1. do now
2. Individually: Review "Interpreter of Maladies." think about: how does Lahiri use the motif of "seeing" in the story? How does she use layering to create character development? 
3. Class discussion: Group leaders
4. Summarizer

HW: Read and annotate (if leader group) "The Library of Babel"

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Short Stories Folder

Folder can be found here

Short Stories

Do now: Grab a"cheat sheet," a writing methods handout, and a copy of "The Interpreter of Maladies" from the table

  • utilize effective annotations to unpack meaning
  • analyze O'Brien's method
1. do now
2. Sign up for leader positions!
3. Annotations: overview and work time
4. Class discussion
5. summarizer

HW: Read "The Interpreter of Maladies." Annotate.

Monday, June 1, 2015

Short Story Leader Sign-Ups

Sign up here

This I Believe Peer Edit

Do now: locate a computer and log on to Google Drive


  • effectively peer edit several essays
  • utilize peer feedback for revision
1. do now
2. Peer Edit: read and comment on at least 8 essays
3. Revise personal essay
4. summarizer

HW: Read the chapter "The Things They Carried" for homework.  No annotations needed at this time.  Finished draft due in same document by FRIDAY

Tuesday, May 26, 2015


Do now: take a graphic organizer handout from the black table


  • synthesize two American Dramas in one theme and thesis statement
  • analyze authors methods to reveal meaning
1. do now
2. In table groups: complete both sides of the graphic organizer handouts
3. Develop an exigent method-to-meaning thesis statement
4. One pager: Thesis statement and listing of 3 "big ideas" (subtopics)
5. Share one pagers
6. Summarizer

HW: Thesis contract/ This I Believe work day in the English Writing Lab WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY (Blue only)

Thesis contracts- PINK ONLY

Do now: log on to a computer and go to edline


  • research secondary sources for potential thesis authors
  • complete the senior thesis contract
1. do now
2. Requirements of thesis contract
a. First choice author/topic
b. Second choice author/topic
c. Titles of First choice author/topic
d. MLA Bibliography citations for 3 secondary sources
3. Research secondary sources
4. Conference/ complete contract
5. summarizer

HW: Contracts due FRIDAY, JUNE 5th.

Friday, May 22, 2015

Fences Full Text

Read the play here!

Fences 1.4- PINK ONLY

Do now: List all characters in Fences


  • actively read an American Drama
1. do now
2. Finish Fences
3. TIB Groups and assignment
4. Summarizer

HW: We will be in the English Writing Lab MONDAY to fill out Thesis contracts!

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Fences 1.3

Do now: What similarities are you finding between the Fathers and Sons in DoaS and Fences?


  • actively read an American Drama
  • identify similar themes between plays
1. do now
1a. Thesis reading day (PINK ONLY)
2. Read Fences
3. Summarizer

HW: Pick a thesis author/topic!

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Fences 1.2- BLUE ONLY

Do now: Fences Handout


  • actively read an American Drama
  • identify similar themes between plays
1. do now
2. Read Fences
3. Summarizer

HW: Pick a thesis author/topic!

Monday, May 18, 2015

Revising the Literary Analysis Essay

View Presentation Here

Death of a Salesman 2.1

Do now: Take out the quotes from Death of a Salesman. Read through them and mark/highlight ones that stand out to you


  • analyze American Drama for theme
  • analyze Miller's use of motifs to unpack meaning
  • become familiar with August Wilson
1. do now
2. In table groups: Using the list of quotes and list of themes, create an assertion statement answering one of the following: What is Miller saying about the American Dream?  What is Miller saying about the relationship between Fathers and sons (or parents and children)? 
3. One a piece of paper: Write the assertion statement and 3 quotes that support the assertion statement
4. Introduce Fences.
5. Begin to read Fences

HW: pick a thesis author/topic!

Friday, May 15, 2015

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Death of a Salesman 2.3

Do now: what is Willy's tragic flaw?


  • analyze art for meaning
  • examining the depiction of America in art
1. do now
2. Norman Rockwell- close reading
3. Watch Death of a Salesman
4. Summarizer

HW: Finalize Senior thesis author/ topic

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Death of a Salesman 2.2

Do now: Do you feel sympathy for Willy?  Why/why not?


  • analyze a film adaptation of an American Tragedy
  • examine a father and son's responsibility to each other
1. do now
2. Watch film- Death of a Salesman
3. Summarizer

HW: Finalize Senior Thesis author/topics

Monday, May 11, 2015

Death of a Salesman 2.1

Do now: What do you remember from Death of a Salesman thus far?


  • analyze a film adaptation of an American Tragedy
  • examine a father and son's responsibility to each other
1. do now
2. Reading Guide Questions- Act I
2. Watch film- Death of a Salesman
3. Summarizer

HW: Finalize Senior Thesis author/topics

Friday, May 8, 2015

Thesis Reading Day

Do now: Take out your thesis book and paper/pencil


  • demonstrate effective silent reading
  • select a novel for the senior thesis
1. do now
2. 20 minutes: SSR
3. On the paper: write your name, the book title and author, and your initial reader response-- would you continue to read for senior thesis?
4. Watch Gatsby

HW: tba

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Death of a Salesman

Do now:  What is your definition of a salesman? How is a salesman different from someone
in a different occupation?  What attitudes do you think salesman should have to be successful? What attitudes would hinder him?

  • demonstrate effective silent reading
  • select a novel for the senior thesis
  • actively watch a performance of an American Tragedy
1 do now
2. 20 minutes: SSR
2a. On a piece of paper: write your name, the book title and author, and your initial reader response-- would you continue to read for senior thesis?
3. Intro Death of a Salesman 
4.Begin watching Death of a Salesman

HW: Essay due FRIDAY

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Senior Thesis Link

Senior Thesis Link

Gatsby work day/ Thesis day

Do now: What do you have left to do in your essay?  (answer on socrative: tls108)


  • Use peer suggestions to revise essay
  • Use school databases to find secondary sources on thesis authors
1. do now
2. 1-mod: Gatsby essay work time
3. 2nd mod: 
  • Decide which FOUR books you think you will read for your FIRST CHOICE author/topic
  • use one of the school databases to find THREE articles about THREE books (you do not need to print them; however, you will need the bibliography information)
4. Summarizer

HW: Bring a thesis book to class (THURSDAY: Pink, FRIDAY: Blue). Essay is due FRIDAY

Monday, May 4, 2015

Gatsby Peer Edit Workshop

Do now: Find a partner (can be a group of three). Share your google doc with your partner(s).


  • provide effective critiques and suggestions for revisions 
  • work effectively in a pair
  • work independently to revise essay

1. do now
2. Open the Peer editing google doc (CLICK HERE)
3. Make a copy of the peer editing doc and share it with your partner
4. Read your partner's essay (feel free to make proofreading/other comments in paper)
5. Fill out the peer editing handout
6. Verbally discuss what you wrote in the peer editing handout
7. Work independently to revise your essay

HW: Work on essay.  Essay is due Friday.

Friday, May 1, 2015

Blacker Awards- Wednesday, May 20, 2015 at 6:30PM

Experience the senior thesis process first hand at the Lillian F. Blacker Awards ceremony.  The three winners, plus a panel of seniors, will share excerpts from their papers and discuss the entire thesis process.  There will be a Q&A session for you to ask questions about the process.
You can earn extra credit TWO ways:
1. Attend and sign my attendance form at the end of the panel discussion
2. Ask the panel an appropriate question about the senior thesis process

Gatsby 6.4

Do now: Review your note cards


  • create note cards analyzing primary and secondary sources
  • begin to draft research essay

1. do now
2. Check thesis statements
3. Workshop: begin drafting essay
4. Summarizer

HW: Draft for Peer Editing due MONDAY

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Gatsby 6.3

Do now: Take out your annotated secondary source article


  • critique secondary source articles
  • identify key quotations from primary and secondary sources

1. Do now
2. Note cards: individual or in pairs (google drive or handwritten)
3. Develop a thesis statement
4. summarizer

HW: Draft a thesis statement

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Gatsby 6.2

Do now: Share your research question with a partner


  • conference about prompts and research questions
  • annotate secondary source article 

1. do now
3.. Annotate Secondary Source Article

HW: Identify 5 Gatsby quotes and 3 secondary source quotes

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Gatsby 6.1

Do now: take out the essay prompts and review the possible choices


  • understand the expectations of the essay assignment
  • identify one prompt of interest
  • use school databases to identify one article on the selected topic
1. do now
2. Review/Clarify the essay assignment
3. Workshop time: identify a prompt, develop a research question, research articles on identified topic
4. Summarizer

 1) Create a "Great Gatsby" folder in your BELMONTSCHOOLS GOOGLE DRIVE.  2) In the "Great Gatsby" folder, create TWO documents: A) Note cards Doc: “Last Name, First Name Note Cards.” B) Essay Doc: “Last Name, First Name Essay.”  
2) Print one scholarly article and bring to class TUESDAY

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Creative Writing

Fill out this form

Thesis research day 3

Do now: tba


  • understand the various databases available through our school
1. do now
2. Welcome Ms. Landry!
3. Database overview
4. Individual research time

HW: For the trip after break: Narrow your choices to TWO. Bring ONE book in for silent reading.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Senior Thesis Research Day 2

Do now: Turn to a peer and explain which authors you researched


  • explore possible author/topics for thesis
1. do now
2. Book fair!
3. Conferences
4. Summarizer

HW: Narrow your possible choices to 2.  Research 4 novels for each choice

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Thesis Research Day 1

Do now: How nervous are you about selecting an author/topic for the senior thesis?  (scale of 1 (not nervous at all to 5 ridiculously nervous)


  • understand the requirements of the senior thesis project
  • explore authors and topics
1. do now
2. Gatsby essay- housekeeping
3. Senior thesis packet
4. Conferences/film
5. summarizer

HW: research 5 authors-- print TWO bios

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Gatsby 5.1

Do now: Last minute group prep (10 minutes)


  • use critical lens to examine the overall meaning of The Great Gatsby
  • work effectively in groups to analyze the

1. do now
2. Group presentations
3. Summarizer: which lens seems the most interesting for GG? why?

HW: fill out the senior thesis form

Friday, April 10, 2015

Gatsby 4.4

Do now: put desks in rows for quiz
  • demonstrate mastery of understanding of vocab
  • use critical lens to examine the overall meaning of The Great Gatsby
  • work effectively in groups to analyze the novel
  1. do now
  2. vocab quiz
  3. Group work
  4. summarizer

HW: Critical Lens presentations on Monday

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Gatsby 4.3

Gatsby 4.3
Do now: Review chapter 9 questions with your table group
  • use critical lens to examine the overall meaning of The Great Gatsby
  • work effectively in groups to analyze the novel

  1. do now
  2. Critical Lens Assignment- overview
  3. Picking groups (out of a bag)
  4. Group work: review topic and begin to analyze novel
  5. summarizer

HW: vocab quiz on FRIDAY

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Gatsby 4.2

Do now: You finished the book…what is your reaction? Free write for five minutes: Did you like it? Why? Why not? Were you disappointed? Sad to finish it? Confused?
  • analyze the end of the book
1. Do now
2. Table groups: symbol handout (in survival guide)
3. Discuss: Gatsby's father
4. Close reading: last few paragraphs
5. Individual: annotate chapter 9 (in survival Guide)
6. Table groups: answer close reading questions for chapter 9 (in survival guide)
HW: Study for vocab quiz on FRIDAY

Monday, April 6, 2015

Gatsby 4.1

Do now: Where did Gatsby die? Why do you think Fitzgerald selected that location? (Think figuratively!)
  • demonstrate close reading skills through annotation for literary devices
1. Do now
2. Individual: annotate chapter 8 passage (in survival guide)
3. Table groups: answer questions on close reading handout (in survival guide)
4. Class: review
5. If time: listen to chapter 9
6. Summarizer

HW: finish reading chapter 9

Friday, April 3, 2015

Gatsby 3.4

Do now: Prepare your tableau! (5 minutes)


  • analyze director choices
  • compare film versions

1. do now
2. Tableaux
3. (Week 2 vocab- BLUE)
4. Watch films
5. Summarizer

HW: Read chapter 8

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Gatsby 3.3

Do now: Find one piece of textual evidence that describes the weather/heat in this chapter.  Why do you think Fitzgerald stresses the weather in this way?

  • identify and recreate key moments from chapter 7
  • work effectively in groups
1. do now
2. Week 2 vocab- define
3. Symbolism handout
4.Review: Tableau activity
5. In groups: work on tableau activity
6. Summarizer

HW: Prep for tableaux

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Gatsby 3.2

Do now : Discuss the significance of: Possibly it had occurred to him that the colossal significance of that light had now vanished forever. Compared to the great distance that had separated him from Daisy it had seemed very near to her, almost touching her. It had seemed as close as a star to the moon. Now it was again a green light on a dock. His count of enchanted objects had diminished by one (93).

  • Evaluate the text for important events and accurately reconstruct and visually create Gatsby’s non-linear past in an organized way.
  • Explain the importance of Gatsby’s mantra: “Of course you can repeat the past!”
  1. do now
  2. Identify the major events, places and people that make up the history of James Gatz. For each event or period, create a picture, symbol or object that identifies or symbolizes that particular incident (save the final art for the actual timeline).
  3. For at least three events, pull out one short quotation that you think is important in illustrating Gatsby’s motivation or character. For example, when describing Gatsby’s childhood, you might choose, “His parents were shiftless and unsuccessful farm people” (p. 98, and yes, you can use that one).
  4. On a piece of paper, create a timeline or diagram that illustrates this sequence of events. Because you will be adding to this in later chapters, make sure to leave some room at the end, and in between the events that you choose. 
HW: Finish reading/ re-read chapter 7

Monday, March 30, 2015

Gatsby 3.1

Gatsby 3.1
Do now: is there a moment/time in your past that you think about and that you wish you could return to? Why? What about it do you want to recapture, or change? (piece of paper to hand in)

  • Evaluate the text for important events and accurately reconstruct and visually create Gatsby’s non-linear past in an organized way.
  • Explain the importance of Gatsby’s mantra: “Of course you can repeat the past!”
  1. do now
  2. Chapter 5 review
  3. Identify the major events, places and people that make up the history of James Gatz. For each event or period, create a picture, symbol or object that identifies or symbolizes that particular incident (save the final art for the actual timeline).
  4. For at least three events, pull out one short quotation that you think is important in illustrating Gatsby’s motivation or character. For example, when describing Gatsby’s childhood, you might choose, “His parents were shiftless and unsuccessful farm people” (p. 98, and yes, you can use that one).
  5. On a piece of paper, create a timeline or diagram that illustrates this sequence of events. Because you will be adding to this in later chapters, make sure to leave some room at the end, and in between the events that you choose. 
HW: Read chapter 7

Friday, March 27, 2015

Gatsby 2.4

Do now: When you do something to upset a friend or a family member (and you are at fault), how do you make it 
up to that person?
  • identify imagery in chapter 5
  • analyze the significance of time in the novel
  1. do now
  2. Chapter 5 question- what did you notice?
  3. Word association
  1. Close reading excerpt
  2. Begin to read Chapter 6

HW: Read chapter 6

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Gatsby 2.3

Do now: Write down your honest thoughts—be ready to share at least one.
  1. Is there a specific place or image that makes you hopeful when you see it?
  2. If you had the opportunity to make a lot of money dishonestly/illegally, but in a way that didn’t physically hurt anyone, and knew that you wouldn’t be caught, what do you think you would do? What’s your rationale?
  • Closely analyze text for symbolism, significance and relevance and report back to the class.
  •        Work together in small groups to achieve their analysis goal.

  1. do now
  2. In table groups: work on one big question
  3. if time, start reading chapter 5- Gatsby and Daisy meet!
  4. Summarizer

HW: Read chapter 5

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Gatsby 2.2

Do now: In table groups, make a list of colors from chapter 3
  • identify color imagery in chapter 3
  • identify key quotations from chapter 3

1 do now
2. Instagram Gatsby’s party!
3. Independent work
4. Summarizer

HW: finish instagram photo and read chapter 4

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Gatsby 2.1

Do now: What does Jordan say about careless drivers at the end of chapter 3?

  • analyze how Fitzgerald juxtaposes Daisy, Myrtle and Jordan
  • identify how Fitzgerald produces suspense of Gatsby's character
  • identify color imagery in chapter 3
  1. do now
  2. What are the rumors about Gatsby?  List them.
  3. In table groups: complete the Daisy/Myrtle/Jordan handout
  4. Discuss: meeting gatsby
  5. Watch film

HW: Re-read chapter 3.  Make a list of colors from the chapter

Friday, March 20, 2015

Gatsby 1.4

Do now: complete the symbols/color worksheet in the back of the Great Gatsby Survival Guide

  • identify color imagery in chapter 2
  • identify major plot points in chapter 2
  1. do now
  2. In groups: answer study guide questions for chapter 2
  3. Review answers: valley of the ashes, myrtle, party
  4. Film: Redford version (film notation sheet)
  5. summarizer

HW: Finish reading chapter 3

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Gatsby 1.3

Do Now: Grab a dictionary and define the "week 1" vocab words in the Gatsby Packet

  • identify exposition in chapter 1
  • analyze the influence of Eliot’s poem on the Fitzgerald

  1. do now
  2. Color list- what did we find in chapter 1?
  3. Green light tableaux
  4. Eliot’s “Wasteland”
  5. Read first two paragraphs of chapter 2
  6. summarizer

HW: Finish reading chapter 2