Tuesday, November 25, 2014

American Born Chinese 2.1

Do now: what do you think of the novel?


  1. do now
  2. Groups: Answer the discussion questions
  3. Class: review findings
  4. Introduce the Cultural Tradition Presentation assignment
  5. Summarizer

HW: work on presentation assignment

Monday, November 24, 2014

Santiago out

Ms. Santiago is out MONDAY.

11 Honors:

  1. Submit your short story using the essay submission form (only one per group-- make sure all names are on the document!)
  2. Finish reading American Born Chinese

Friday, November 21, 2014

American Born Chinese 1.4

American Born Chinese 1.4
Do now: what are your thoughts/feelings regarding stereotypes? Can you name a negative stereotype? A positive one?

  • Students will familiarize themselves with the concept of stereotypes in relation to both the introductory text and their personal experience.

  1. do now
  2. Discussion:
  • What is a stereotype? What are some examples? (high school stereotypes: nerd, jock, cheerleader, punk, etc)
  • How do these make you feel?
  • Delve more specifically and in-depth into racial stereotypes. Why is this still such an insistent, ongoing issue even today?
  1. Video clips:

  1. When can stereotyping be offensive? (Smartboard)
  2. What are some examples of stereotyping you've found in ABC?
  3. Read pages 87-160
  4. Summarizer

HW: read pages 87-160

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

American Born Chinese

Do now: “Novels are presented as books in linear form; picture books tell a story with text accompanied by illustrations; film works with moving images and dialogue but
graphic novels combine all these elements as a medium for storytelling. They tell a story through visual images.”
What is a graphic novel?  Can you name any? How are comic books different from graphic novels?

  • Introduce the genre of graphic novels to students through students’ self-exploration in discussion


  1. In groups: flip through the graphic novels.Compare and contrast the visuals used, speech bubbles and language used in the various graphic novels.  Discuss the following:
    1. how are these graphic novels different from traditional comic books
    2. What’s the target/potential audience for each of them?
    3. How’s a graphic novel different from a conventional novel?
    4. Why do you think the author would have decided to write a graphic novel instead of a conventional novel in written form?
    5. Discuss the author’s choice. (What’s good about visual narrative?)
    6. What’s the advantage of opting to present your thoughts with graphic novels over written novels? What’s the disadvantage then?
    7. - Does a graphic novel have lower literature value than a conventional novel?
  2. Intro to American Born Chinese-- “The Monkey King”
    1. Monkey King Movie Trailer
    2. Animated
  3. Begin to read pages 1-84
  4. Summarizer

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Poe 2.2

Do now: what are the goals of your group today?
  • demonstrate understanding of Poe’s ability to build suspense
  • work effectively in groups to create a Poe-esque short story
  1. do now
  2. review plot graphic organizer
  3. draft story
  4. summarizer

HW: story due Friday!

Monday, November 17, 2014

Santiago out

Ms. Santiago is out today.

Please brainstorm topics for your creative short story by filling out this graphic organizer

Edgar Allan Poe 2.1

Do Now: Identify at least one literary device in "The Cask" and discuss how that device enhances the suspense/meaning of the story

identify the use of suspense, imagery, and unrelliable narration in Poe's story
brainstorm topics for creative writing
1) Do Now
2) Review story
3) Introduce the Poe short story assignment
4) Brainstorm topics/complete graphic organizer
5) Summarizer:

HW: Complete graphic organizer

Friday, November 14, 2014

Poe 1.4

Edgar Allan Poe 1.4
Do Now: Which of the various tortures is most horrifying- darkness, rats, falling down well, pendulum? Explain your reasoning.
  • identify elements of suspense
  • analyze Poe's use of human psychology to produce horror
1) Do Now
2) In Pairs: complete study guide questions
3) Review answers
4) Summarizer: What is the most basic human fear? Explain
HW: Read "Cask of Amontillado" for monday.

Edgar Allan Poe 2.1

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Edgar Allan Poe 1.3

Do Now: What are the seven deadly sins?  What other archetypal things come in 7s (example: 7 days of the week)?


  • Identify Poe's use of color imagery, personification, and symbolism in the story
  • Use a visual medium to demonstrate reading comprehension
  • Connect one of Poe's methods to a central meaning of the work

1. Do Now
2. MAP: Using half a sheet of easel paper, draw a map of the masquerade ball.  Hint: be sure to reread the descriptions of the rooms to get the colors, shape, windows, and objects correct.
3. In each room on your map, write a word or two that is associated with that color.
4. Consider these questions: Why does Poe have 7 rooms for the Masquerade ball?  What is the importance of the number 7?  What is the symbolism of the clock?
5. ASSERTION STATEMENT: In one sentence assertion statement, connect one literary device to  Poe’s central message is in this short story.
Template: Poe's use of [literary device] reveals [central message].

Summarizer: How did drawing the map of the rooms help unlock Poe's meaning?

HW: Read  "Pit and the Pendulum"

Monday, November 10, 2014

Edgar Allan Poe

Do Now: What is the scariest ghost story you've ever heard?
  • Define Allegory, Symbolism, Color Imagery, Personification, and Gothic
  • Use close reading to identify gothic elements in a short story

1) Do Now
2) Define literary terms
3) Listen to audiobook for “masque of the red death”
5) Summarizer: What do you think so far?

HW: Finish reading and annotating "Masque of the Red Death"

Friday, November 7, 2014

TSL 6.4

The Scarlet Letter 6.4
do now: what is passive voice?  How can one avoid it?

  • understand passive voice and brainstorm ways to correct it
  • draft effective body paragraphs

  1. do now
  2. review analysis verbs
  3. workshop: strive to embed quotes!
  4. summarizer

HW: the essay will be due FRIDAY NOVEMBER 14th.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

TSL 6.3

The Scarlet Letter 6.3
Do now: How are you going to organize your essay?  What are the  three body paragraph topics?

  • organize evidence into 3 effective topics
  • draft essay

  1. do now
  2. review topic sentences
  3. workshop: draft, draft, draft
  4. summarizer: how far did you get today? Any concerns?

HW: continue to draft essay

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

TSL 6.2

The Scarlet Letter 6.2
Do now: What are the aspects of an effective “5 paragraph” essay?

  • create an effective thesis statement that addresses on critical lens
  • gather effective textual evidence to support thesis statement

  1. do now
  2. Workshop: check thesis statements with Ms. Santiago
  3. Summarizer

HW: Finish gathering textual evidence

Monday, November 3, 2014

TSL 6.1

The Scarlet Letter 6.1
Do now: Which critical lens seems the most interesting for TSL?

  • understand the requirements of the essay assignment
  • begin to examine TSL through one specific critical lens

  1. do now
  2. Essay assignment: pick a lens!
  3. Brainstorm: list at least 4 points a critic of your selected lens would make about TSL
  4. Summarizer

HW: Pick a lens and start to draft a thesis statement