Thursday, January 29, 2015

Huck Finn 4.4

Huck Finn 4.4
Do now: Remember that you will need to address the counter argument-- where in your essay do you think you will include it?

  • effectively organize evidence into subtopics
  • draft essay

  1. Do now
  2. Work time: finding evidence, organizing subtopics, drafting body paragraphs
  3. Summarizer

HW: Essay is due Sunday by 11:59PM.  You must complete an essay submission form.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Huck Finn 4.3

Huck Finn 4.3
Do now: Remember that you will need to address the counter argument-- where in your essay do you think you will include it?

  • effectively organize evidence into subtopics
  • draft essay

  1. Do now
  2. Work time: finding evidence, organizing subtopics, drafting body paragraphs
  3. Summarizer

HW: continue drafting

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Huck Finn 4.2

Huck Finn 4.2
Do now: Remember that you will need to address the counter argument-- where in your essay do you think you will include it?

  • effectively organize evidence into subtopics
  • draft essay

  1. Do now
  2. Work time: finding evidence, organizing subtopics, drafting body paragraphs
  3. Summarizer

HW: a printed rough draft is due to peer edit on FRIDAY

Monday, January 26, 2015

Huck Finn 4.1

Do now: How comfortable do you feel with this essay assignment?  What are you most concerned about?

  • draft an effective thesis statement identifying one side of the debate
  • collect evidence from primary and secondary sources

  1. do now
  2. Individual: draft thesis statements (check with me!)
  3. Gather evidence: primary and secondary
  4. If time: brainstorm essay organization (subtopics)
  5. Summarizer

HW: Check thesis statement with me

Friday, January 23, 2015

Huck Finn 3.1

Huck Finn 3.1

Do now: which article do you think was more persuasive? Why? (Talk in groups)

  • identify main idea of secondary source articles
  • identify effective supporting evidence in articles
  • decide which side of the argument to focus on

  1. Do now
  2. In groups: identify main idea (thesis) and at least three supporting details from the assigned article (jigsaw answers)
  3. Class: review findings
  4. Essay time! Which side of the debate are you on? (essay packet)
  5. Individual: work time
  6. Summarizer

HW: Homework free weekend

Friday, January 16, 2015

Huck Finn 2.4

Huck Finn 2.4
Do Now: what do you remember about debates from 10th grade?

  • understand essay assignment prompt
  • effectively debate/defend stance on the central issue
  • read secondary sources on Huck Finn

  1. do now
  2. Groupwork time-- 20 minutes
  3. Debate--
    Opening Statements (thesis) < 1 minute each YES NO
    Oral Arguments (3 supporting arguments, evidence) < 3 min. each NO Rebuttals (evidence that proves part of OA as weak, false) < 1 min. each YES Oral Arguments (3 supporting arguments, evidence) < 3 min. each YES Rebuttals (evidence that proves part of OA as weak, false) < 1 min. each NO
    Closing Argument < 1 min. YES NO
  4. Smith and Smiley: how to read secondary source articles
  5. summarizer: Which team won-- and what was so persuasive about their argument?

HW: Read each article; for each article highlight/annotate: 1) thesis/argument, 2) 2-3 quotes supporting author’s argument

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Huck Fin 2.3

Do now: Review the essay prompt.  Then review the actions at the end of the novel (starting from when Tom Sawyer returns). How would you answer the prompt?  What reasons would you give to support your answer?


  • analyze the "Tom Sawyer" chapters 
  • create note cards that demonstrate close reading of specific word choice

1. Do now
2. Review the "Tom Sawyer" chapters
3. Introduce the note card assignment
4. Note card work
5. Summarizer

HW: Finish note cards for Friday

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Huck Finn 2.2

Huck Finn 2.2
Do Now: Look at the map of Huck's adventures. Which one did you enjoy the most? What was being satirized in each?

  • examine how Twain uses satire to criticize the slave-holding Southern society

1. Do Now
2. Review satire
3. Satire drawing activity
4. Gallery walk
5. Satire chart- desk groups

HW: Complete chart

Monday, January 12, 2015

Huck Finn 2.1

Do Now: Reading Check- Huck Finn Quiz

  • demonstrate understanding of plot
  • identify Huck’s change in moral development

  1. do now
  2. Huck’s Moral development: chart in desk groups
  3. Class discussion: how has Huck changed?
  4. Summarizer

HW: Finish chart

Friday, January 9, 2015

Satire Articles

You can find our class articles in this FOLDER.

Huck Finn 1.4

Huck Finn 1.4
Do now: Moral Development Handout

  • define satire
  • identify use of satire in pop culture
  • use satire to make a commentary on high school life

  1. do now
  2. share articles
  3. Moral Development: debate question
  5. Summarizer

HW: Finish reading Huck Finn!

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Huck Finn 1.3

Huck Finn 1.3
Do now: What is your article satirizing?

  • define satire
  • identify use of satire in pop culture
  • use satire to make a commentary on high school life

  1. Do now: share Onion articles
  2. Try your hand at satire! In table groups: Write a satirical article about BHS
  3. Summarizer

HW: Read Huck Finn

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Huck Finn 1.2

Huck Finn 1.2
Do now: Can you think of a modern day example of satire?

  • define satire
  • identify use of satire in pop culture

  1. do now- discuss
  2. Episode: Finish watching the Simpsons
  3. Group discussions: what is being satirized?
  4. Onion article: identifying satire
  5. Summarizer

HW: Read Huck Finn

Monday, January 5, 2015

Huck Finn 1.1

Huck Finn 1.1

Do now: As a table group, answer the reading questions for chapters 1-8

  • identify aspects of Realism and Naturalism in American Literature
  • define satire
  • identify use of satire in pop culture

  1. do now
  2. Introduction: Realism, Naturalism
  3. Define: Satire
  4. Satire in pop culture:
    1. Simpsons
    2. Colbert Report
  5. Discussion
  6. Summarizer

HW: Read Huck Finn